Call us: 623-889-6186


Dr. Rangel and Dr. Hunt are proud to serve the children of the west valley. During medical training a long long time ago, they often dreamed about going into business together, and are happy to finally see that dream come true! They run a small clinic, and this means they must have a strict office policy to keep things organized and fair to all.

General Policies

We are a general pediatric practice, composed of West Phoenix Pediatrics (Celida Rangel, MD) and Lisa Hunt MD, PLC. We are two separate practices operating in one office space with a shared staff.

Patients of Dr. Rangel (or Dr. Hunt) must remain with her for all primary care and well child visits. Once assigned to Dr. Hunt or Dr. Rangel, we do not allow children to switch doctors. You may see the other doctor for a sick visit if your doctor is not available that day. We reserve Friday clinic for sick visits only, so be sure and call us early to make an appointment!

We allow you to cancel an appointment up to 2 hours before the scheduled time without penalty. We do charge $25 for no-shows or cancellations within 2 hours of the appointment time. Please be courteous and cancel instead of no-showing to an appointment so that we can use that time slot for another sick child. If you arrive late for your child's appointment, you may be asked to reschedule to a later date.

When making well child appointments, you may schedule up to 2 children together. Our schedules tend to fill up quickly, so please call us a few months in advance.

We look forward to seeing you soon!